For Customers

How do you package items for shipping?

Every seller follows our packaging standards guideline, so that you can be sure . All items are thoroughly secured with bubble wraps. 

Can I buy an item with “Out of Stock” or “Temporarily Unavailable” labels?

If an item has an “Out of Stock” or “Temporarily Unavailable” label, they are not available for sale. If you want to be informed of the product's availability just click the “Notify Me” button.

Can I get my purchases from different stores delivered as one order?

This option is unavailable, because all stores have different locations and delivery timelines. Every store wants to make sure your order gets as fast as possible, so they ship their items as per their individual timelines.

What can I do if the order is approved but hasn't been shipped yet?

Sellers usually ship orders 1-2 business days before the delivery date so that they reach you on time. In case your order hasn't been shipped within this time please contact our Customer Support so that we can look into it.

Can I return the item after the period mentioned in the Seller's Returns Policy ends?

No, sellers will not be able to accept returns after the period mentioned in the Seller's Returns Policy.

What can I do if I have an issue after the return period?

You can get in touch with the brand or an authorised service centre of the brand to claim the warranty for your product (wherever applicable).

In which cases can I get a refund?

Refunds are given when:

  1. A seller allows refunds on selected categories under certain conditions
  2. The seller can’t get a replacement
  3. You’ve won a dispute
When is a refund not possible?

Refunds can’t be given when:

  1. An item is damaged because of use or when it is not in the same condition as you received it
  2. Any consumable item has been used or installed
  3. Anything is missing from the package you've received including price tags, labels, original packing, freebies & accessories
  4. Non-returnable items are involved such as underwear.
  5. When items are tampered with or have missing serial numbers
Can I track the status of my refund?

You can visit “My Orders” to know the status of your refund. If the order has been shipped, refund will be processed as soon as the courier service provider confirms the return of the item(s).

Can I request a replacement?

Visit My Orders to check the status of your replacement.

In most locations, the replacement item is delivered to you at the time of pick-up. In all other areas, the replacement is initiated after the originally delivered item is picked up. Please check the email we sent you for your replacement request for more details.

Can I return the item, if I mistakenly ordered the wrong one?

The Sellers' Return Policies don't support the return of items ordered wrongly. 

What can I do in case of delay?

On the rare occasion that your order is delayed, please check your email for updates. A new delivery timeframe will be sent to you and you can also track its status by visiting “My Orders”.

For Sellers

What is selling on Yedzore?

Selling on Yedzore is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to sell their products in Yedzore's stores.

How can I open a new Yedzore seller account?

You can use your Yedzore customer account, or create a new account with your business email address.

Before you start, be sure to have the following information ready:

  • Your business name, address, and contact information
  • An chargeable credit card with a valid billing address
  • A phone number where you can be reached during the registration process
  • Your tax ID info
  • Additional identity documents may be required in some cases
Why Yedzore?

It’s easy, it’s fast, it’s comfortable, it’s Yedzore. Try it out and you’ll see that it’s true. Thousands of customers are already looking for your products, what are you waiting for?

How much does it cost to sell on Yedzore?

Yedzore takes 12% of each sale.

Will I be notified when I have a sale?

Yedzore notifies you by email when you receive an order. You can manage your notifications in your account settings.

How do I get paid?

When your seller account is settled and you have a positive balance, Yedzore sends the money to your bank account. It can take up to five business days for the money to appear in your bank account after Yedzore initiates a payment.

How can I delete my Yedzore seller account?

To permanently delete your Yedzore seller account, please contact our Support Team. Keep in mind that you can use our Listings Status feature to suspend your product listings, or you can remove them entirely but hold on to your account for the future use. Before you delete your account permanently, remember to cancel and remove your listings and resolve all transactions.